Whilst I agree with most of the article, I have to disagree with BLM. I think we need to recognize that there is a distinct difference between the BLM movement and simply the phrase, "Black Lives Matter." Too many times I have noticed that people don't emphasize the difference. Black lives have always had less "value" placed on them than white people, and though I acknowledge police brutality affects ALL people, it affects Black people more. This is not race-baiting, but a fact.
Having grown up during a brutal regime called Apartheid, I knew the difference as a child and I know the difference as an adult, that though we now have Black policemen too, the brutality of how they dealt with Black and Brown people is simply transferred onto Black officers. It's a systemic "culture" that has not been changed since slavery. Much like entering a new company, as a newcomer you can not prescribe to the CEO, how you think things should change, so you "fall in," with how things are. Which ultimately boils down to systemic, institutionalized, and structural racism.
Unless and only until the system changes and the culture within the police departments, Black people will always be at the short end of the stick. Black lives matter must be recognized and realized away from a movement.
Thank you for your article