Stop Resisting and Comply:
"It's not in our policy to do you harm
So best you remain calm
When I demand to know who you are"
Because from afar
You saw my black face.
And, based on race
You judged me loudly
By saying proudly
"Get on the ground and put your hands behind your back!"
And in an instant, I went down with a whack
Your bodyslammed me to comply
But never told me why
My face needs to be in the dirt
With bruising from you that hurt
Me so much I cried out in pain
You ignored my pleas and shouted the same
Words like, "You're under arrest!"
"So you better not test."
"My patience today."
"Or you will pay."
"What did I do wrong?"
I repeat as if it's a song
"Officer, please stop," I cry
"You better shut up and comply."
"Please, officer, you're hurting my arms."
"Ow, was that punch you gave me meant to harm?"
"Just shut up and stop resisting."
You keep insisting
That I am fighting you when handcuffed and on the ground
With 180 pounds
Of your body weight pinning me to the ground
While I have found
That I can't move even if I try
I don't understand what's happening, tell me why?
You're kneeling on my back
When my hands are tied and my body slack,
from your weight on mine.
"Stop resisting, and you'll be just fine."
You scream in my ear as your knee descends
It's on my neck, and I can't move or defend
Myself against your brutality
"Officer, please just let me be."
Stars are swimming in front of my eyes.
"I can't breathe," I whisper while you tell lies.
Your knee on my neck getting heavier each time
"You're nothing but slime."
You scream in my ear.
But I have gone past the point of fear.
"Oh God, let me go now," I gasp
As you tighten your grasp
On my neck and my back
I can't breathe as my body goes slack
Finally, I am allowed air.
But it's too late, not that you care
I posed a threat to you in your report
I'm gone now, so I can't retort
But I can comply, see I'm finally still
Breath from my body choked out at your will
Dragging me onto the gurney
For all to see
Spectators gasping, camera's flashing, phones recording.
My death as if I had no value
In this life, because of the hue
Of my skin and where I stay
In life, there is a price to pay
A counterfeit note, a toy gun
Any reason is given so you can have some,
satisfaction that you have saved your kind
From people who look like me, a constant remind
That there'll be no justice or peace
Unless the system is changed and they defund the police.
As I lie on the autopsy table
The Chief of Police ready, willing and able
To defend your action
To my communities dissatisfaction.
"It's not our policy to harass or kill
Black people at will."
We are here to serve and protect all and have your back
Except, it would doesn't apply if you're black.
Another black body to bury and cry about
While the mayor and police chief spout
Lies, to protect those in blue
Lawyers clamouring to sue
The police to make the city understand
That black people don't have to be assaulted or killed
While driving, walking, sleeping, the list continues until...