Stephyn, thank you, I have read your article. I stand by what I said in mine about these rich, powerful men. It takes women especially, forever to come forward with any claim of sexual abuse or rape.
You forgot to mention that E.Jean Carroll mentioned it to her friend the moment it happened so many years ago. Now I can tell you that as a woman, again who has been subjected to that several times (both as a child and adult) it smacks of truth when she immediately told her friend. For whatever reason (more than likely trauma and shame) she chose to remain silent and not press criminal charges. This again is not surprising.
As one gets older, some develop more "guts" to speak out. Hence, the #Me Too Movement. This could have been the case with her. There exists in society, a DEEP shame for being violated in the first place, and a part of that shame is buried in a person's physiological response to rape. Women have orgasmed when raped. No one talks about this aspect. No one reassures women that this is purely a physical response, not an "enjoyment" of the violence. The shame that you were "weak" or didn't fight back or say NO loud enough is on the woman (the victim) and is something that stays with her for the rest of her life.
Rape and sexual assault take place every single hour across the globe. Ask yourself if that is in line with the amount of cases you see in court.
When finally the victim has the strength to come forward, she is unbelieved and treated as if she "looked" for it.
Telling me he has been found "liable" as opposed to "guilty" is exactly what I have a problem with. When you are liable for something, you are in effect guilty. There exist in law too many ways in which the rich and powerful men can get away with murder and often do. Does it make it right? In the victim's eyes or that of their family (no it doesn't )
Perhaps, having discussed it with her attorney, they sought the option which would at least drag his "butt" to court and get her story out and vindicate her and many others.
This is what you have to sit down and mull over. Just because it exists in law, does not make it right.
Thank you for pointing me to your article. I still see blurred lines though. Not from you, but from how people like him are treated.
Sorry for the late reply, we are in different time zones