Hello, I am Sam, your friend.
Yesterday was so much fun at your house.
Please thank your mom for the peanut butter sandwich she made me.
Your mom smiled at me and told me to slow down when I was eating the sandwich, and I tried to eat slowly and take little bites, but I was so hungry.
I didn't tell you, but I hadn't eaten in two days.
It hurt me when you laughed and told your mom that maybe I don't eat at home that's why I'm always hungry. You are right you know, I don't often eat so excuse my lack of manners.
Before I became your friend I didn't know that you had to say please and thank you.
I'm learning, so be patient with me.
That bruise? Oh, that!!
The one on my leg?
I fell running home.
At least that's what my mom says I should tell anyone who asks me.
No! It doesn't hurt.
Not anymore.
Besides, you should see the ones on my back and shoulders.
I am ashamed of it.
That's why I didn't want to take off my jersey.
My mom says it's because I don't listen that's why my dad hits me.
I promised her I would be good and I tried.
I really did.
But I never know what he wants?
I've been quiet and I've been good, yet even my silence seems to upset him.
I'm trying hard to understand why he hits me.
Did I ever tell you that my mom also has bruises?
I didn't tell you that my mom has friends that she invites over when my dad goes to work and they sit at our kitchen table and smoke something!
I heard them call it tik.
I don't know what it is but I've seen it so many times.
I may not know to count properly but I know how to make a tik pipe.
So I'm not stupid.
I'm learning.
Uncle Freddie was also there.
I don't like what he does to me.
I wish I could tell you, but uncle Freddie says he will kill my mom if I tell.
So even though I want to tell you, I'm scared.
I don't want my mom to die!
Who would look after me?
Please could you ask your mom if I could sleep at your place tonight?
It's Friday today and mom and dad are always fighting and he gets angry then he hits her. She cries and I try to comfort her, but she pushes me away.
I don't like seeing her crying or hurt.
I wish I was big already so I could run away and never see mom and dad or Uncle Freddie again.
Did your teacher shout at you for not doing your homework?
My teacher shouted at me today because I never did my sums, and I tried to tell her that I didn't understand.
I tried asking mom for help when I got home, but she was sleeping and when I tried to wake her she became upset and told me to leave her alone.
I went to the kitchen and saw that pipe that she smokes with her friends on the table.
She lied.
She told me she wouldn't do that anymore.
Does your mom lie to you?
Mine does.
It makes me sad and I don't believe her anymore.
It's not the first time that she promised to stop doing that.
Thank you so much for giving me a pair of your shoes. It's a bit too big, but it's ok.
At least I don't have to walk barefoot anymore.
The pavement is hot and it feels like fire when I walk.
Please thank your dad for buying me chocolate too, I enjoyed that.
I don't speak to him, because his voice is loud and I'm scared.
How come your dad never gets angry with you?
Your sister broke a glass and started crying and your dad hugged her.
I don't know if I ever got a hug from my dad?
I get lots of hugs from Uncle Freddie, but I don't like his hugs.
I wish he wouldn't hug me anymore.
I like our hugs though.
I feel warm inside when we hug.
I saw friends hug on tv, and I liked that because we are friends, and I like coming to your house.
I wish your mom was my mom too!
I wish were sisters instead of friends.
It would be cool.
Then I don't EVER have to go home.
No! they won't miss me.
They don't feed me or hug me or kiss me.
They just scream or hit me.
I'm sad because sometimes I wish God would take me away so I never have to go back there.
My mom says she's having a baby and you know what?
Last night I prayed to God that the baby must die.
That He must give the baby to people like your mom and dad.
Last week when were pretending to be grown-up, I laughed so much my tummy hurt.
I looked so silly in your moms dress and those shoes were too big.
When we played music I so wanted to tell you what was happening at my house.
Just for a moment, I wanted to be a part of your family.
To be more than just Sam, your invisible friend.
You called me that because I watched The Incredibles with you and I wanted to be the invisible girl.
The one that nobody can hurt anymore.
It's late now and your mom says I have to go home now.
Please please ask her if I could stay?
I don't want to go home.
Please help me!
(Its never too late to open your eyes and ears to abuse and neglect) Let's help children in our community by being vigilant and caring.